Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Downright Angry

Two-thirds of Americans are "dissatisfied" or downright "angry" about the way the federal government is working, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.  Count me in.

I shall leave it to the pundits to make heads or tails of last nights political tantrums.  I have only this to say:  seems to me that most (if not all) American politicians are motivated by four factors. 
In order of importance those are:
1.  Is this good for me (i.e.: will it get me reelected)?
2.  Is this good for my party (i.e.: will it get me reelected)?
3.  Is this good for my constituency (i.e.: will it get me reelected)?
4.  Is this good for the nation?


  1. I think you're right except for #4 ... I don't think the good of the nation is entering into anyone's calculus at this point, more's the pity.
